Masjid Construction Project
Needy Foundation implements Masjid construction project in needy society of Bangladesh for the facilities of Muslims to perform their regular Salah with Jum’ah prayer.
Needy Foundation already constructed newly 8 Mosques in various locations of Chittagong Division, such as, Masjid Eisa at South Sorenga, Masjid-e-Ebrahim at Uttar Paruapara, Masjid Osman Bin Kamsi at South Sorenga, Masjid Mohammed at West Khuruskul, Masjid Hajah Ratipah Binte Haji Abdul Majid at West Khaskhama, Masjid Haji Abdul Wahab Bin Haji Abu at 3 no. ward of Juidandi union, Shaikh Ismail Jame Masjid at Dumuria of Anwara under Chattogram and Masjid Aisha at Shafipure in Rajbilla of Banderban of Bangladesh. Alhamdulillah Chumma Alhamdulilla