About Needy Foundation
Introduction: The Almighty Allah has created men as the best of His creation in the world. Allah bestow men sense , intelligent , sense of thinking , affection , love and illusion as organs of sense . The work which is impossible to perform severally is possible to do by collective efforts . Men from the age , able to do work for the interest of mankind , social welfare and public interest and perform all voluntary works successfully . As Islam is a religion of mankind , that is why the teaching of Islam is to work for mankind. So taking an ambition to build up an ideal society in our national life some elites of the society and social workers getting together in meeting established a foundation named “NEEDY FOUNDATION” on 1st January 2007.
Needy Foundation is a non-profit, non-government and charitable organization for voluntary social welfare works in Bangladesh. The short form of Needy Foundation is NF. It has been registered from the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. Needy Foundation is working for the welfare of the needy people of Bangladesh.
Identity of the Needy Foundation: Needy Foundation is a social welfare , non-profit and charitable organization It was established in 2007 and in that year achieve registration from the Directorate of social welfare under Ministry of social welfare , Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and afterwards achieve registration form the Directorate of Youth development under Ministry of Youth and Sports. To perform the works of the organization smoothly and peacefully there is an effective executive committee consisting of 7 ( Seven ) members . Mr. Md. Alam Khan , Chairman of the foundation , has been performing duties properly and smoothly from the time of its establishment . There is also an advisory council consisting of 3 ( Three ) members to counsel and help the executive committee. The books and accounts of the foundation duly audited by a Government authorized and enlisted Audit Firm.
Aims and Objects of Needy Foundation:
- The basic aims of the Needy Foundation is to serve the deserving humanity .
- This foundation will work as a completely non-political and non-profit social welfare organization
- This foundation will create good relationship among mass-people of the society and guide benevolent works.
- For the rehabilitation of orphan and distressed children the foundation will establish orphanage
- The foundation will establish and manage religious Institution like Masjid and Madrasah
- To set up Widow and Disable welfare center for the interest of old , widow and disable .
- To establish child welfare centre for the interest of street children
- Education is the backbone of nation . So to encourage the distressed and meritorious students in supplying educational equipment among them and a stipend fund will set up .
- Make an arrangement for rehabilitation and give lawful help to the custody children and women
- To give financial help to the scattered poor and distressed people for their social development
- Rectification of children and youths from crime , create employment for physical and mental disable persons and to rehabilitate them
- This foundation will create employment for unemployed youth making arrangement in sewing , netting , computer training and rehabilitation etc.
- This foundation will drive activities in building up moral character and religious value to all classes of people irrespective to caste and creed of the country.
- This foundation will take program for supplying pure drinking water, sanitation and cleaning pond, ditches , drains , sewerage etc and develop environment
- This foundation will work as volunteer at the time of natural disasters
- Dowry is a social disease . So awareness in the society will be created not to receive of give dowry and program will be taken against dowry
- This foundation will give the highest financial help to education , health , environment development , pure drinking water supply and for the rehabilitation of distressed people.
- This foundation will take zeal for human rights and valuation
- This foundation will observe all national and religious days accordingly
- This foundation will work for creating awareness among the people regarding H.I.V. & Aids .
- This foundation will take program and implement against drug addiction